Stacks: Javascript, Python, React, Flutter, Pytorch, MongoDB

Maidoki ride sharing app

Maidoki is a mobile application with Flutter that will help users request a transportation option that will safely transport them to their destination.

Loan app user interface with Flutter

Users can perform basic operations on account such as updating his personal information, get portfolio value, retrieve payment schedule over multiple loan period.

Frontend Mentor: React REST Countries API Challenge

I implemented the REST Countries API to pull country data and display using a design as interface guide.


Indigenous foods ordering system to take free unlimited online in Dubai.

Predicting Bike Sharing Data

I built a neural network from scratch to carry out a prediction problem on UCI Machine Learning Database, by building a neural network.


Creativity helps stores stand out. Whogobuyam is doing something different that can help your bottom line a lot. We offer unique products awesome of collections of online stores that stands out in the crowd and make our products best suits you.


Welocator Property Finder is a real estate and property website in Nigeria with property listings for sale, rent and lease. We offer Nigerian property seekers an easy way to find details of property like homes, houses, lands, shops, office spaces and other commercial properties to buy or rent. Nigeria Property Centre provides a platform for advertising property from organisations and Nigerian private property owners.